Professional Healing Course

Nantah’s Spiritual School

​​Body Mind Resolution Healing Course

A 28 Week online professional course
14 x 1:1 Training Sessions on Zoom

A professional course for those who feel called to be healers and professionals in practice who want to expand their services.

This course is suitable for those who have a heartfelt desire to assist others to heal their inner selves. The healing is a combination of the BMR Healing Energy and spiritual guidance/mentoring, and support, which provides the client with a deeper understanding of themselves, how they create their health and wellbeing, and how to gain a new perspective that is in alignment with their heart and souls expression in life.

This Seven (7) month course will take you on a personal inner journey, where you will discover more about yourself than you thought possible and delight in the changes and transformations you make along the way. 

On completion of this course, you are accredited as a Body Mind Resolution Healing Practitioner.

You receive:

  • A Manual in pdf form

  • 14 x 1.5 hr, training sessions online

  • 9 x Guided Healing Meditations

  • A Professional Certificate which you register with IICT - The International Institute for Complimentary Therapist, NSW, Australia. Certified in 39 Countries Globally.

Full Curriculum and Payment Plans Available -

“ Healing the world begins with healing yourself”

- Anthon St Maarten