Your Souls Calling


I am sure you have felt that deep urge to go in search of something, but you are not sure what it is that you are meant to find. Many think it needs to be a physical journey and start travelling to different destinations around the world hoping to satisfy that deep urge within. They usually do not find the answer or solution this way. They may find a place or nation of people they connect with deeply and that may bring about a change in perspective about themselves, but it is not the entire story.

Some people change jobs or careers frequently because they are bored or have achieved the challenge the position first offered. Some take up study, thinking it will provide something more fulfilling, only to discover it was not right and they quit. This all leads to feeling unfulfilled inside and that is unsettling. And so, the search continues.

Your Soul is unique, and each individual holds a different energy vibration therefore no two Souls are the same. Your Soul’s first purpose is to bring Light and Love into the world. This is the same purpose for all of us. The deep urge which stirs you to begin your search is your Soul calling you to listen to your heart and begin following and expressing the feelings and passions that are welling up inside you. This is your Soul memory emerging.

The mystery that we all face is, how does our Soul desire to express its Light and Love into the world. This means into a practical everyday career or occupation which is mistakenly called your purpose. The Souls expression is how it has chosen to make a difference in the world prior to arriving at its current incarnation. You designed your current incarnation including the life lessons to evolve your Soul to higher levels of consciousness.

There are so many ways in which a Soul can express itself. Look how many career opportunities there are in the world. The most important thing you need to know are that your Soul is the GPS and must lead the way. It expresses through your heart because it is created from Love and Divine Light. It is filled with the knowledge and wisdom to guide you to the right path, people, places and job or career that it has chosen to do while it has an earthly human experience.

You may find yourself feeling excited or passionate about a specific career or creative path, and this is evidence of your Soul memory of past lives and what you have done and achieved in those lives. For example, I have always had a deeply rooted passion and drive to become a teacher and healer since I was very young. Little did I know how that would look and manifest in my life. It was like a burning fire in my belly that urged me onwards to study and practise natural health, energy healing and the spiritual arts. I had a spiritual awakening at 3 years of age, which opened the door for me. I had a deep knowing about God and started Sunday School at age 4 years. I became a spiritual teacher and an energy healing channel among other healing modalities. Nothing is impossible when you listen to your heart and its desires and passions.

Your journey is very individual, and everyone will experience something different and although you may have similar experiences as others, this helps you to understand yourself at a Soul level. There are many ways in which you can find your true path and the way in which your Soul desires to express itself.  The Akashic Records are a massive energetic library in the 5th Dimension of the Universe, and it holds the records/books of life of every Soul in existence on both sides of life. An Akashic Record Reading is a really great place to begin. Within the Reading you will firstly discover three major points: #1 Your Soul Group #2 Your Soul Gifts and #3 Your Souls Expression.

These are not the only things you will discover. When I access the Akashic Records I am looking back to the point of your origination as a Soul and the important past lives that are influencing your current life in a negative way are cleared from your Soul and your beliefs, DNA and thought patterning. You will understand at Soul level how you created your karma and how not to repeat it by making positive choices that come from your heart. We create our own Karma through the negative choices we make. This a big step towards getting to know yourself at the deepest level of your Being.

Knowing yourself intimately is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. You find your true essence of your Soul, your own divinity, talents, gifts and abilities that you have brought to earth to share and help humanity and earth to evolve to greater consciousness and awareness of love. This brings you fulfilment and satisfaction with your daily life and achievements. Celebrating your Soul by diving deeply into it and allowing it to express its true nature and becoming who you are meant to be.

Nantah Ensom

Nantah is a channel for Divine guidance, direction and healing. Her knowledge of the spirit world and spirituality is vast. With over 29 years of professional experience, you receive exceptional support delivered with integrity.

Energy Healing