Smoke & Mirrors
What are the old stories you keep replaying in your mind? Why do you believe those old stories? Are these stories true? How do they serve you? Are you ready to release them?
We are privileged to be here for our Soul to have the opportunity to learn more lessons about human experience and evolve to higher levels of love. Without human experience our evolution will be so much slower. Our Souls are eager to learn and understand life on earth so they can become Masters and ascend by achieving full enlightenment. Then to have the opportunity to become a Spirit Guide for other Souls on earth or to help in other ways.
Letting go is something that many people struggle with. Letting go is often seen as a difficult process and sometimes you cling to things even though it is obvious, they no longer serve you. This is caused by the fear of losing something e.g. money, safety, love, relationships, control, health, career. Life is a never-ending cycle of endings and new beginnings. Change is the one thing that is guaranteed and something that we all must accept to make it easier for each transition you move through. The tighter you hold onto something or someone, the more emotion surfaces and is intensified until it renders you stuck, overwhelmed and unable to make a choice for the fear of losing what you have.
Changing perspective is the way through, although during conflict and chaos it is difficult to remember this. Emotions will surface and with that a lot of self-doubt and fear of making the right decisions and choices to move forward. When we are truly honest with ourselves, we know when someone is not working, or a relationship is coming to an end.
When you stop and reflect on the situation at hand, or the change that is occurring around you or within you, your inner self is asking for you to dig deep to find your WHY! Your WHY is your motivation for holding tightly on to something or someone. It shows you what you are fearful of and WHY it is difficult to release or let go.
From this discovery you will understand yourself better, then ask yourself – “What is the worst thing that can happen when I let go of this?” The answer will surprise you. After you get the first answer, ask yourself the same question again about the first answer and keep going until you run out of answers. When you reach here, you have your bottom-line programming for the fear of Letting Go!
To support you through this discovery, I recommend practicing gratitude, because it opens your heart to your Divine Self. It helps you recognise and accept how abundant you are and everything you have in your life. When you only see what you do not have, this moves you into the mindset of lack and scarcity. Gratitude brings you into the present moment, which is all we have and a calm state, so you gain clarity ~This breathe, this sigh, this thought, this idea, this emotion, this now!
“While she let go of the stories not written for her, New stories appear aligned with her truest divine feminine self!”
Goddess Card Shakti - Sometimes people and situations come into your life as the kind of change agents that turn your life upside down. What you thought was real and expected is challenged by someone else’s perspective or behaviour, which you have no control over.
This can be painful and deeply confusing. You are seeking change, this magical metamorphosis for a better life for you and your loved ones. Right now, your alignment task is to love that part of yourself that sabotages your efforts to move forward. Love the insecure you, the one that is jealous, the one that sees ‘not enough’ when the world is truly full of potential. Life loves you.
The feminine aspect of the universe, the Great Goddess herself, all your angels, and your guides and helpers remind you that you came here as a spiritual being learning to co-create the world anew.